Eclectic Wanderings

Saturday, January 31, 2009

End of the World Sale

I am sure you have all from time to time wondered how life would change, and how your attitudes and actions would change if you knew you only had a certain amount of time left to live. Perhaps you would do the things you really wanted to do, let your loved ones know that your really loved them, blah, blah, blah. But what I wonder is what would happen to the Salesmen of the World. Would the TV commercials be the same. How would they pitch their products. Let's say that a huge Comet is going to strike the planet and demolish Earth in 3 days. What would happen to the late night TV Ads?

"... that's right, Ladies and Gentlemen, this late model Maserati can be yours for just $99.99. Come down right now, tonight, and get it. We're open all night and well ... till the end of time, so there is no time like the right time, and the right time is now, to drive the car you've always wanted and dreamed of. Dreams are fleeting, but this car is real. And if you get here before midnight we'll even throw in a Kilo of Cocaine. That's right we will literally throw it in your trunk complete with an accessory bag full of every thing you need to get started on a life of addiction that can never be fulfilled. No need to worry about getting addicted to anything anymore. Yes, you can drive your Maserati high on Cocaine (Casey Jones you don't need to watch your speed). And while you are at it buy your wife a Ferrari for only $79.99. Or screw the wife, just get another car for yourself. So hurry down, get down, go downtown, get here before its too late. Credit Plan available (Pay $49.99 down and $39.99 every day for the rest of your life). Here at Penn&Teller Ferrari/Maserati we will send you off right! You know that money put away for a cemetery plot? Well, caskets are obsolete. Spend your last moments going 180/mph. If there's a Heaven, you'll get there faster, and if there's a Hell ... who cares about Eternity. Yes, this is a once in a lifetime deal. And if you get here before Midnight, we will also give you an MP3 collection of every song ever recorded; not that you have time to listen to them all, but at least you'll have them available. So call your friends, call your relatives, Hell, call your next door neighbor out the window; tell them to come down to Penn&Teller Ferrari/Maserati and pick up their dream car tonight while they last. We are here all night, all day, and every day until the End."


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