Eclectic Wanderings

Friday, October 31, 2008

Stand Up, Be Proud
by Alcibiades

I am disgusted with my fellow Americans continual attempting to justify our conquering of other lands and countries. Look at history; look at our heritage. We are a conquering nation. What a sad state of affairs when politicians have to squirm and lie about our motivations to acquire new lands through military force. Since when do the mighty have to explain themselves? Those with the power take what they want. Who is to question them? Might is Right! We have the best trained, best equipped and deadliest military in the world. We have the backing of the biggest corporations in the world. We have the bankers on our side. Why explain our actions to anyone?

If we want oil fields in the Middle East or South America, they are ours for the taking. Does anyone really think the people of the world are going to rise up and defeat us? Not likely. Even if we don't want to spend the money to crush a country with our military, we have more clever financial people and bankers than anyone else on the planet. We can easily deceive smaller countries into borrowing billions of dollars beyond their means of paying and then put them on puppet strings. We are obviously much more clever as well as more powerful than any of these undeveloped inferior populations. It is only by our charity and pity that we allow them any share of the wealth of this world. So it is time for the rest of the world to wake up and realize, We make the rules.

And let's not forget our intelligence agencies. Want to play spy? Well, we have the best. We can covertly take over or ruin any country we want. We control the media so people believe what we want them to. Meet our demands suckers, or you go down, by hook or by crook. And you might not even know where its coming from. You may think its rebels from your own country. Revolutionaries, or resistance fighters. Hah! As warning to those who would play with fire I offer this list of covert products:

El Salvador

Do the research, and you will feel our power.

So let's not sissify our conquests with all these loser sentimentalities about freeing the people for democracy and other such crap. The nations we conquer are weak and need to be conquered. Let the world fear us and feel our presence!


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