Eclectic Wanderings

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I’ve Got a Secret – Part II

Secret Societies Past and Present

In all secrets there is a kind of guilt, however beautiful or joyful they may be, or for what good end they may be set to serve. Secrecy means evasion, and evasion means a problem to the moral mind. -- Gilbert Parker

Perhaps before going further, we should discuss the nature of a ‘secret’ is. What makes a secret a secret? It was the pondering of this question which made me procrastinate writing the second part of the bit. It obviously takes more than one person to have a secret. Someone to know something and someone who doesn't. Further, in a group, or a large number of people, it would normally be a smaller number who knew something while the larger number did not. Although, I suppose its possible that everyone in a group except for one person was in the know of a particular datum. But I don't think that would be a very legitimate secret in the normal sense. So we will assume that is a secret, or secrets, is data known to a smaller group of people and not known at large.

So, just how many people does it take that know something before it is no longer a secret. Let's say if in the U.S. for example, if 20% of the population knew something, and the rest didn't, would it be a secret? Well, it might be to the 80% for various reasons. They may refuse to believe some datum or idea because it is not accepted by the mainstream. Some people refuse to believe anything that doesn't fit with their pre-existing ideas and experience. If its too different then they reject it.

There are many protection mechanisms for secrets. Intelligence agencies are well aware of these methods. Sometimes something can be done right in front of people in a bold manner, but because the act it so outrageous people will not draw the obvious conclusions but come up with other explanations that fit their reality (reality tunnel as it has been described) more easily. That normal reality is often created by the likes of major network media. When that 'normal' reality is pounded into one's head day after day it is easy to dismiss events which don't fit well. These become secrets of sorts even though they took place in plain sight.

Other favorite intelligence tricks are to spread disinformation about a topic. This could be lies or other stories and explanations, from the 'authorities'. Also, groups can be infiltrated and the 'member' of the group do stupid things or make stupid comments which are easily discredited. Or a group can just be falsely allied with, and then the original true story is exaggerated to such ridiculous extremes that it is easily rejected. And then there is black PR of the source of information so that it becomes discredited. And so on. There are myriad techniques of smoke screens and ways of discrediting data. Then when the truth is hidden, it becomes secret to some extent.

In short, there is a problem in finding truth on real issues of real importance because, firstly, the data in often obfuscated at the source, and secondly, because we often limit ourselves in what we are willing to look at and believe. So I must cop out in the sense that I will not presume to present to you 'secrets'. Secrets are secret to those who don't know, and to those who are unwilling to know. But the process of uncovering the truth is a personal matter. For data to be truly uncovered or true for an individual he must research it and discover it on his own. Only then can he have conviction in the integrity of his belief. Of course there are those who believe anything they are told without inspection, but they just set a bad example for real truth-seekers.

So I can't tell you what is true or what is secret for you. I can only suggest areas to research. You may discover some data which was hidden from you previously and thus secret. Or you may reject the data. Data is only as true for you as you make it true. I will only suggest that you look first and then decide. Happy hunting.

Here are a few suggested topics for research:
New World Order (NWO)
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) origins
Tri-lateral Commission
Sumeria, its origins and influence on religion
UFOs(government projects, confidential documents, disclosure project)
Fabian Socialism
The Rothchilds
The Federal Reserve
The Constitution(see Michael Badnarik's Constitution Class on Video)
Rights vs. Privileges(e.g., can and does the government grant rights)
Allodial property

PR and Spin
Media Ownership
U.S. support of dictatorships(e.g, Iran,Iran Contra, Chile, Panama, Nicaragua, Ecuador ...)
Government Mind Control experiments (MKUltra)
Origins of education system
False Flags (Operation Northwoods)
Bohemian Grove
Origins of Modern Religion (you might check out ZeitGeist the Movie online)
The Illuminati
The Thule Society
The Order of Skull and Bones Society
The Knights of Malta
The Rosicrucians
JFK Printing currency